Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro

Montenegro Police Arrest 20 Serbian Nationals for Terrorism

Tensions went up by a notch during elections in Montenegro Sunday when police said they had arrested 20 Serbian nationals, accusing them of intent to destabilize the country by terrorism.

"These persons are suspected... of acts to create a criminal enterprise and terrorism," DPA quotes national police director Slavko Stojanović says in a statement.

Montenegro: Police Arrest 20 Serbian Nationals Suspected Of Planning "Armed Attacks"

BELGRADE - Montenegrin police say they have arrested 20 people suspected of planning armed attacks after voting closes in parliamentary elections, RFE/RL reports.

National police director Slavko Stojanovic said on October 16 that those arrested late on October 15 came from neighboring Serbia.

Montenegro Opposition Coalition Takes on Djukanovic

Three main opposition groups in Montenegro say they will join forces to fight in the general election scheduled for October 16.

The "democratic coalition" unites three parties and groups considered civic and moderate in their orientation - the Civic Movement URA, DEMOS and the Socialist People's Party, SNP.

Djukanovic to Reshuffle Cabinet in Montenegro

Montenegrin lawmakers on Wednesday  will meet to approve a new cabinet after the ruling and opposition parties agreed on forming a transitional government to organize parliamentary elections by the end of this year.

It is expected that MPs at the same session will adopt a special law to legally define the implementation of the agreement and how state resources can be used.

Montenegro Opposition Parties Accused of Betrayal

Montenegro's main opposition alliance, composed mostly of pro-Serbian parties, said it will launch round-the-clock protests against the new interim government, which is going to be formed next week by the ruling coalition under Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic and four opposition parties - DEMOS, civic movement URA, Socialdemocratic party and Socialist People's Party.
