
Fredi Beleri named ruling ND candidate in European elections

Ruling New Democracy announced Fredi Beleri, an ethnic Greek mayor-elect in Albania recently sentenced to two years in prison for vote-buying, as a candidate for the upcoming European Parliament elections.

He was represented by his brother, Leonardo, at the ballot announcement in downtown Athens, as Beleri is currently in Albanian police custody.

Greek cinema funds boosted

As part of the state's effort to promote modern Greek culture, the Greek Film Center (GFC) is to implement five new financial programs to boost the local industry.

The programs will be bankrolled through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RFF), while just last week, the GFC approved financial support for 13 film projects to the tune of 1,262,000 euros.

Chinese-Greek theater festival in Athens

The first Sino-Hellenic International Theater Festival kicked off on Saturday, with Chinese dramas bringing an audio-visual feast to the audiences.

"The festival is an amazing initiative. It is something that of course we fully support from the side of the Greek government," Christos Dimas, Greek Deputy Minister of Culture, told Xinhua at the opening ceremony.

Plans to strengthen agri-food startups through Elevate Greece is being studied

Start-ups in agriculture/food come fourth in terms of population in the National Register - Elevate Greece and the goal of the Ministry of Development and Investment is, more effectively, link the agricultural economy and production with research and entrepreneurship, combined with use of new innovative technologies.

Pyrros Dimas says government made him leave Greece

The government and opposition New Democracy clashed Wednesday over comments by three-time Olympic gold medal winner and former PASOK MP Pyrros Dimas on Tuesday that he was forced to leave Greece and head to the US because the SYRIZA-led government slashed funding to the weightlifting federation he was advising.
