Plans to strengthen agri-food startups through Elevate Greece is being studied

Start-ups in agriculture/food come fourth in terms of population in the National Register - Elevate Greece and the goal of the Ministry of Development and Investment is, more effectively, link the agricultural economy and production with research and entrepreneurship, combined with use of new innovative technologies.

A targeted network of support policies for start-up agri-food companies is already being studied, outside urban centers, through Elevate Greece and regional planning, while as Deputy Minister of Development and Investment Christos Dimas underlines in his statements to AMNA state news agency, there are many examples of Greek and large-scale agreements with international companies. "Our goal is to create a better environment so that more innovative ideas can evolve into sustainable businesses."

According to the data, 39 start-up agri-food companies have been included in the register, with more than 227 employees, the total funding they have received from investment funds exceeds 15.45 million euros and the dominant technology they choose is the Internet of Things.

"The primary sector in Greece has all the conditions to become one of the key drivers of economic growth," said Dimas, adding: in the coming decades and in order not to be overtaken by developments we will have to invest in the field of research and innovation ".

The profile

The "profile" of the companies that have joined the Elevate Greece platform, shows that the business model chosen by the companies dealing with agro-technology, is B2B at a rate of over 49%, while on the contrary the B2G model chooses 6 % of businesses. Meanwhile B2C is chosen by 21% of companies and B2B2C by 23%.

The predominant source of financing for companies are Equity (self...

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