Diplomatic mission

Govt demands Greek diplomatic services fork over cash reserves

The leftist government took an unprecedented decision on Friday and demanded that the country’s overseas diplomatic missions turn over all available cash reserves to the state.


Such an act is unprecedented in recent memory, and simply aggravated concerns that the country is headed towards a fiscal dead-end.


Romanian ambassador to Italy: Diplomatic, consular missions asked for 66 polling stations ahead of runoff

Romania's Ambassador to Italy, Dana Constantinescu said that the diplomatic and consular missions have no sort of competence as regards regulating the legal framework on organizing elections abroad; she stressed they suggested the organization of 66 polling stations ahead of the second round.

Serbia will not close diplomatic offices in crisis zones

BELGRADE - Serbia will not close its diplomatic and consular offices in crisis areas for as long as there are conditions to provide consular protection for Serbian citizens, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released on Wednesday.

The Foreign Ministry released that Serbian diplomats did not abandon Syria, Iraq and Libya despite the risks they are facing.

ForMin: No reported cases of Ebola-infected Romanians in West Africa

The Romanian embassies in West Africa have received no requests for assistance for the repatriation of Romanian citizens and were neither informed about possible cases of Romanian citizens infected with the Ebola virus in the West African states, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announced on Sunday in a release sent to AGERPRES.
