
Sarah Jessica Parker wedded to a new comedy

In August 2000, a Time magazine cover story touting singles life displayed Sarah Jessica Parker and her three "Sex and the City" co-stars with the headline: "Who Needs a Husband?"
That question could apply, in spades, to Parker's new HBO comedy, a piercingly honest yet droll exploration of a marriage on the rocks titled, brazenly, "Divorce."

Company gives couples $10,000 that they only have to pay back if they divorce (vid)

Swanluv, a Seattle startup, has a business model based on the fact that nearly 40-50% of married couples end up parting their ways. For this reason, the company pays for the couple to have a dream wedding… but there’s a string attached! If the couple divorce, they pay back the money with interest.

Man catches his wife cheating him with his best friend (vid)

A man caught his wife and her lover in the act as they were naked on his sofa and then promised not to leak the video online.

The video starts with the man standing outside his apartment before he puts his key in the lock and opens the door.

When he switches on the light, he sees his wife naked on the sofa naked with another man, who is a friend of his.

Divorced? There are things to consider before you remarry

If marriage is on its own a complex process where the couple is invited to join two different worlds, then a second marriage and the creation of a second family is yet another difficult process where members of that family are invited to deal with multiple family systems with different habits, ideas, values and behavior.

Single vs. Married across the EU, read the maps to find out if you’ll marry!

EU demographic details on citizen relationships gleaned from Eurostat show that Germans are the most likely to say “I do”, though the French are more reluctant to tie the knot. Those least likely to get divorced are the Irish and Maltese, but Latvians are likely to be single parents.
