Ecologist Greens
Newly founded Greek party adopts European Greens manifesto
Greece has acquired a new political party, the Green-Ecology party, which, at its founding congress in Athens on Sunday, decided to adopt the European Green Party's manifesto ahead of European Parliament elections in June.
Why Greece’s green parties are failing to bloom
The lack of a political culture that values environmental issues, the presence of antagonistic political trends, and persistent internal skirmishes are the primary obstacles that prevent the green parties in Greece from establishing themselves as a meaningful political force, according to experts.
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Vergis, quirky leader of tiny party, arrested
Dimosthenis Vergis, the eccentric leader of the Greek Ecologists party, was arrested in the central Athens neighborhood of Exarchia on Monday having been convicted in absentia for fraud in June.
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Opposition parties unhappy about election funding rules
Democratic Left (DIMAR) joined SYRIZA on Saturday in criticizing a government decision that will see New Democracy and PASOK get the majority of state funding for the European Parliament election campaigns.