Education in France

Education initiative at public schools

An Education Ministry initiative to provide extra tuition to secondary students at Greek public schools so that they do not have to rely on private institutions is expected to start on Wednesday.

This academic year, the ministry will provide 19 additional tuition centers, up from last year's 421.

The courses will be available until May 31, when classes end.

Governors to adjust morning school hours for students to utilize daylight

Turkey's Education Minister has given the authority to each governor's office in the country to determine school start time in the mornings on their own, asking them to take their province's specific climate and geographical conditions into account so that students can make more use of the daylight.

Local governor's offices to adjust morning school hours for students to utilize daylight

Turkey's Education Minister has given the authority to each local governor's office in the country to determine school start time in the mornings on their own, asking them to take their province's specific climate and geographical conditions into account so that students can make more use of the daylight.

Alain Badiou | Athens | May 5

The French Institute in Athens is hosting French philosopher Alain Badiou on Thursday, May 5, in a lecture titled "What Is Politics Today?" Badiou, formerly chair of Philosophy at the Ecole Normale Superieure, was also a founding member of the faculty of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII. The event starts at 7 p.m.

Education angst! Private school VAT hikes and cuts to state school programs

The planned 23% VAT hike to private educational institutions will reportedly be extended to include private schools sending rates exploding. A reportage in daily newspaper, Ethnos, states that parents who send their children to private schools will need to dig their hands deep into their pockets paying an additional 1,500 to 2,000 euros in tuition fees per annum.

French FinMin: Greece’s reform plan needs more detail

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said on Thursday that, although the new Greek government has made progress in its reform plan, more needs to be done.

“There is progress with the last list … Is there a need for more progress? Yes – in the quantification of the measures,” Sapin told reporters in Paris.

Macedonia Protesting Students Occupy Faculties

Over a thousand students on Wednesday occupied the Skopje university faculties of Philosophy, Philology, Law and the Economy, proclaiming them an "autonomous students' territory".

Students demand the immediate suspension of a new Law on Higher Education, which has introduced mandatory externally supervised exams.
