
Fresh ideas for a brighter future

Hooked as we are on negativism, which often leads to nihilism, we harbor a grim outlook about Greece. We increasingly feel that there is no hope, that the country will never be able to get back on its feet, and that all the disagreements between politicians and economists over the exact rate of economic growth are a meaningless theoretical exercise. The game is already lost.

The Income of 400,000 Working Bulgarians Will Increase

With the increase of the minimum wage to BGN 510 from January 2018, the income of 400,000 working Bulgarians will increase. This was announced by the Social Minister Biser Petkov.

 For pensioners, an increase is also foreseen - from July all pensions will be indexed by 3.8% and the minimum pension will be 207.6 BGN. The pension ceiling, however, remains BGN 910.

Serbian Government to increase pensions and public sector wages

A five percent increase in pensions will be implemented in Serbia starting January 1, while public sector salaries will grow ten percent.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced this on Saturday in the town of Krusevac, during a news conference held after her cabinet's session organized to mark its first 100 days in office.

EFKA's overtime for pensions

The government is forcing the Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) to rush through the paperwork for new pensioners and make as many payments as possible by Tuesday - to the extent that the fund's employees are being asked to work over the weekend to clear the backlog - so that Greece can make the deadline for the payment of dues to third parties.

Doctor appointment woes as Health Ministry imposes limits

People insured with the EOPYY national healthcare fund may face trouble getting an appointment with their doctor as new rules go into effect as of Monday.

New measures introduced by the Health Ministry limit the number of patients doctors can see in a week to 100 and the time of each consultation to 15 minutes.
