
The domestic labor market paradox

The jobless rate may remain steadily above 20 percent in Greece, but six out of 10 employers say they are finding it difficult to find the right staff for some of their job openings, according to the annual international report on the problem of a lack of people with the right skills that ManpowerGroup conducted for 2018.

Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions: Council Reaches General Approach

On 21 June 2018, the Council agreed its negotiating position (general approach) on the directive on transparent and predictable working conditions. On the basis of this mandate, the Council Presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament once the latter has adopted its position.

Assessment of civil servants launched electronically to avoid reactions

The Administrative Reconstruction Ministry launched on Monday the evaluation of its public sector employees for 2017, which will be conducted electronically for the first time, in an effort to avoid attempts by unions to boycott the process.

Greece is required by the terms of its bailout program to implement the evaluation scheme for civil servants.

Iohannis: I want to extend my appreciation and gratitude to retiring soldiers

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday, May 31, Reservists Day, sent a message on in which he extends his appreciation and gratitude to the soldiers who have completed their active career retiring to the reserve force because they have put their lives in the service of the country, with patriotism, responsibility and courage.

Iohannis warns Government effects of public-sector pay legislation contradict principles of equality, predictability

President Klaus Iohannis met on Tuesday with Prime Minister Viorica Dancila and Labor Minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu, a context in which he warned the Executive that the effects of the public-sector pay legislation are in contradiction with the principles of equality and predictability and required prudence in addressing economic policies, so as to ensure the sustainability of citizens'
