Nuclearelectrica seeking agreement with Romanian state on financing, support for construction of Cernavoda NPP Units 3 & 4

Cernavoda nuclear power plant operator Nuclearelectrica (SNN) will make the decision to invest in the construction of NPP Units 3 and 4 provided that it concludes an agreement with the Romanian state establishing the financing method and support mechanisms for this project, states the 'Strategy for the continuation of the Units 3 and 4 project", a document that will be discussed in the General

55 Nuclear Reactors Are under Construction in the World

In 2018, the nuclear power generated 2563 terawatt hours of electricity worldwide, which is up with 61 terawatt hours from a year earlier, according to the World Nuclear Association (WNA) Annual Nuclear Performance Report 2019.

The report will be formally presented and discussed during the WNA Symposium 2019 international event in London on September 5-6.

An Arson of a Cable Shaft Left the Metropolitan District "Druzhba" without Electricity

An intentional arson of a cable shaft on Tsvetan Lazarov Street in the Druzhba district in Sofia provoked a cable fault, the press center of CEZ Bulgaria announced. The accident triggered the power supply disruption of about 5,500 households and companies in the region of Druzhba 2, Gara Iskar quarter and 7 km. CEZ has restored the power supply on an alternative route.

EDF 'Made Offer to Invest in Bulgaria's Belene Plant'- Nuclear Group

There have been two offers from private investors interested in the construction of the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP), Bulatom, a non-profit representing nuclear energy businesses and experts, has said.

"We have heard... of a proposal from an American financial consortium," Stanislav Georgiev, Executive Secretary at Bulatom, has told the Bulgarian National Radio.
