Ethnic groups in Ukraine

Iohannis on Day of Romanians Everywhere: We need the competence of all Romanians to build a prosperous country

In a message released on Sunday, May 30, the Day of Romanians Everywhere, President Klaus Iohannis says that the talent and competence of all Romanians is needed to build a prosperous country where those who have gone abroad may gladly return. "On the last Sunday of May, we celebrate the Day of Romanians Everywhere, a special day dedicated to the diaspora.

Quarter of Moldovans Now Have Romanian Passports

One out of every four Moldavans now has Romanian citizenship, and the proportion could rise by the end of 2021 to a third of the total population, according to official statistics.

The number of Moldovans with Romanian citizenship has increased steadily over the last 20 years, and has reached 642,149 people out of a total of 2.7 million inhabitants.

INSCOP Survey: Most Romanians agree they are seen as 'second-class citizens' in the EU

A majority of Romanians (78.2%) believe they are perceived as "second-class citizens" in the EU, according to an INSCOP poll released on Monday. The survey reveals that 78.2% of the respondents agreed with the statement that "Romanians are seen as 'second-class citizens' in the EU", 20.4% disagreed with the statement, and 1.4% did not know or did not answer.

INSCOP survey: Most Romanians believe country needs to move towards West in terms of alliances

The majority of Romanians (81%) consider that the direction towards which the country should move in terms of political and military alliances is the West, that is the EU, USA, NATO, according to an INSCOP survey sent to AGERPRES on Monday. The survey reveals that 10.4% of respondents believe that Romania should go, in terms of political and military alliances, to the East, i.e.

ING Survey: Three in five Romanians make home-buying decision in three months at the most

Three in five Romanians make the decision to buy a new home in no more than three months, and most view a maximum of five properties before the purchase, found an international ING survey on home ownership. "Although half of Romanians say that finding a home that ticked all their selection criteria was difficult, they were the most determined and fastest to decide in Europe in 2020.
