Far-right politics

Rally in memory of slain rapper under way in Keratsini

A rally commemorating Pavlos Fyssas, the 34-year-old rapper killed by a self-professed member of Golden Dawn five years ago, got under way in Keratsini, near Piraeus, on Tuesday evening.

Several people left flowers at his monument with protesters asking for the ongoing trial on his death to be completed with the conviction of Giorgos Roupakias, the man who stabbed him.

Authorities brace for rallies in memory of slain rapper Fyssas

Police were on Tuesday bracing for rallies commemorating Pavlos Fyssas, the 34-year-old rapper killed by a self-professed member of Golden Dawn five years ago in Keratsini, near Piraeus.

Rallies are planned for all over the country including one due to start at 5.30 p.m. at the spot of Fyssas's slaying and to culminate at the offices of Golden Dawn in Piraeus.
