Financial markets

Terna Energy to raise capital via private placement

Terna Energy has decided to boost its capital by €50.1 million through private placement.

The decision will officially be taken at a general assembly on September 1 at company headquarters. If approved, the company will issue 4,556,757 common shares of a nominal value of €0.30 each, which will be distributed via private placement at an expected price of at least €11.

Euroclear to give service for Turkish government bonds

International central securities depository Euroclear Bank will give swap and deposit services for domestic debt securities of the Turkish government.

Turkey has agreed with Euroclear to improve accessing capacities of non-residents to Turkish lira, euro, dollar and gold denominated bonds, the country's Treasury and Finance Ministry announced on June 8. 


Assets managed by mandatory pension funds - up 18.4% at end-April

The total assets managed by the seven mandatory pension funds amounted to 61.87 billion lei at the end of April 2020, up by 18.4% compared to April 2019 and by 192.46% more than the value registered five years ago, according to an analysis made by the financial information platform about investment funds in Romania -

Bond yields ease in
 southern countries

Southern European bond yields fell by about 10 basis points on Friday as markets remained focused on European Central Bank action to mitigate eurozone economic stress and prevent Italy's credit rating from tumbling into junk territory.
European Union leaders agreed a 1.5-trillion-euro rescue package but delayed a decision on the program's details until the summer. 
