
OTE hit with 6.3 million euro fine

The National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) will impose a 6.3 million euro fine on OTE, Greece's biggest telecoms operator following an investigation launched after complaints were filed by competing telecoms provider Forthnet, as well as mobile companies Wind Hellas and CYTA.

Wind, Nova eye content sharing agreement

A new deal is brewing in the Greek pay-TV sector that could change the landscape in the content market: Already a heavyweight phone and internet services provider, Wind Hellas is examining a possible cooperation with alternative provider Forthnet (which operates leading pay-TV platform Nova) as part of planning for the former's pay-TV debut.

Forthnet teams up with Chinese firms to fund Greek telecoms network

Greek telecoms company Forthnet and Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE Corp have teamed up with two other Chinese firms to finance a fibre optic network in Greece, Forthnet said on Saturday.

Forthnet and ZTE signed a cooperation agreement in 2016 to build a high-speed broadband network in the country.

Forthnet eyes quad play expansion

Listed telecom service provider Forthnet is preparing to expand access to its Nova satellite platform by penetrating the cell phone market. Having restructured its debts, the company is now looking ahead, considering offering a quad play experience, by adding mobile services to its fixed-line, internet and pay-TV Nova3Play package.

Forthnet lands EETT contract

Athens-listed telecom Forthnet on Thursday won the tender of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) to be Greece's universal service provider, for a maximum amount of 4.93 million euros per year payable by the state.

This means that the company is undertaking to supply fixed telephony local network access and voice call services in 100 percent of the country.

Forthnet issues convertible bond

Listed Greek telecommunications company Forthnet on Tuesday delivered a presentation for the Greek Association of Institutional Investors on its outlook, figures and growth prospects ahead of the issue of its convertible bond, amounting to 99.1 million euros and tradable on the stock market from Thursday until October 3.

Existing shareholders have preferential rights.
