
Nova satellite TV gives customers more access

Nova, the satellite pay-TV platform of listed telecoms company Forthnet, announced on Thursday the introduction of a pioneering service that allows its triple-play customers (Nova3play) to have full unlimited access to its library of movies, TV series, etc, for free by connecting their satellite receiver to their Internet router.

Forthnet subscription base grows to record level

Leading alternative telecom provider Forthnet, owner of the Nova satellite TV platform, announced on Friday a record number of subscribers at end-September, totaling 1.177 million.

It also reported a 41.3 percent yearly rise in triple-play (phone-Internet-TV) clients and a 20.2 percent increase in pay-TV customers.

Greece's OTE in talks to buy rival's pay-TV business

Greek telecoms company OTE said it was in preliminary talks with the main shareholder of a small rival, Forthnet, to buy its subscription television operations.

OTE's move comes two weeks after its biggest domestic rival Vodafone acquired an option to increase its 6.5 percent stake in Forthnet to 19.75 percent.

OTE prepares bid for Forthnet’s TV platform Nova

By Vangelis Mandravelis

The Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) is preparing a bid for the buyout of alternative telecom provider Forthnet – owner of pay-TV platform Nova – and OTE head Michalis Tsamaz on Tuesday indirectly confirmed that the country’s dominent industry player is interested in Forthnet.
