
'Salt Pit' Prehistoric Town in Bulgaria's Provadiya Had Oldest Stone Fortress Walls in Europe, Archaeologist Says

Some 6,700 years ago the residents of the Solnitsata ("The Salt Pit") prehistoric town in today's Provadiya in Northeast Bulgaria built what were Europe's first fortress walls made of stone in order to protect their riches accumulated from the large-scale production of salt extracted from a massive rock salt deposit.

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BEYOND HISTORY/Mures: The fortified church of Saschiz - the first reduit-church built to withstand Tatar raids

The fortified church of Saschiz, whose construction began in 1493 as a Tatar invasion was looming, is considered the first reduit-church in the area, a small-size stronghold built inside an outer fortification, and extensively stocked with weapons and subsistence means to resist a long time siege.

Photos by Dorina MATIS / AGERPRES