Fredi Beleri

Albanian court delays hearing for jailed MEP Beleri

An Albanian court on Wednesday postponed the hearing for jailed MEP Fredi Beleri's request for conditional release until September 2.

Beleri's request for release, having served two-thirds of his sentence, has been previously delayed because the prison director failed to provide the court with the ethnic Greek politician's criminal record. 

New adjournment for 2 September in the Beleris trial for his release on parole

The hearing of the application of MEP Fredi Beleris for his release on parole was postponed today until 2 September by the competent Albanian court.

Albanian judges postponed the trial for the third time in a row, citing this time the summer holidays of officials in the neighboring country…

Albania’s supreme court upholds Beleri verdict

Albania's Supreme Court on Friday upheld a verdict of the lower courts keeping a former elected mayor from the country's Greek minority in prison after he was convicted of buying votes.

A Supreme Court statement said that it upheld the verdicts of the court of first instance and the court of appeal which had sentenced Fredi Beleri, 51, to two years in prison.

Ethnic Greek Petro Gjikuria announces candidacy for Himare mayor

The Omonoia organization representing the ethnic Greek minority in southern Albania, and the parties of the Albanian opposition chose as their joint candidate in the repeat municipal elections of August 4 in Himare Petro Gjikuria, an ethnic Greek Albanian who lives and works in the United States.

Concessions and consequences

The government in Tirana did what it had set out to do in the affair with Fredi Beleri, ignoring the reactions from Greece and taking advantage of the fact that the Europeans did not follow Athens' lead, either from indifference or from a failure to understand the gravity of the situation for the member-state. 
