George Soros

Orban’s ‘National Consultation’ Seeks to Set Hungary’s Political Agenda

Hungary's government on Monday launched Prime Minister Viktor Orban's eighth 'national consultation', which critics describe as a tool to create the illusion of popular consent for his controversial policies.

National consultations look like opinion polls, are sent to every household, and usually contain a list of questions.

Turkey Re-Arrests Activist Kavala After Shock Acquittal

After his unexpected acquittal, the Istanbul chief prosecutor has ordered civil society leader Osman Kavala back into detention on charges related to his alleged involvement in a failed coup attempt in 2016.

Kavala and the eight other defendants in the so-called "Gezi Park" trial were acquitted on Tuesday in a surprise verdict.

Turkish Court Acquits Civil Society Nine Over Gezi Park Protests

Turkish philanthropist and civil society leader Osman Kavala and eight co-defendants were acquitted by an Istanbul court on Tuesday on charges of trying to overthrow the government during a wave of protests in 2013 in defence of a park that city authorities planned to build on.
