George Soros

George Soros Donated Money to Campaign For a Rerun of Britain's EU Referendum

 George Soros, the billionaire who earned fame by betting against the British pound in 1992, contributed 400,000 pounds ($554,840) through his foundations to a campaign group which is seeking to halt Brexit, the group's chairman said on Wednesday, Reuters reports.

Vucic receives Alexander Soros

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday met with Alexander Soros, vice-president of the Open Society Foundations board, to discuss regional cooperation and the Foundations' support for Serbia's European integration and media and rule of law reforms.

Vucic receives Soros' son

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday in Belgrade received Alexander Soros, a member of Open Society Foundations' Global Board.

Tanjug is reporting that "Alex Soros is the oldest son of billionaire George Soros, with whom Vucic met in late September in New York."
