Gordana Jankuloska

Detention Refused for Macedonia Election Fraud Suspects

The Criminal Court in Skopje has until Thursday to answer complaints filed by Macedonia's Special Prosecution over the Court's decision last Friday to leave ministers suspected of election fraud at liberty.

The eight suspects, including two former ministers, were questioned about fraud allegations over the weekend but left the court as free people.

Macedonia Shootout Suspects Deny Terrorism Charges

All 29 men accused of being part of or helping the armed group that clashed with police in ethnically-mixed Kumanovo in May this year told the Skopje court on Monday that they were not terrorists.

The ethnic Albanian suspects denied the charges and said the bloody two-day shootout was a result of them defending themselves from the police.

Germany Backs Probe Into Macedonia Bloodshed

Steinmeier told a joint press conference with his Albanian counterpart, Ditmir Bushati, in Berlin that Albania's call for an international probe was justified.

"Last week's incident scared Europe. We hope the situation will not escalate and the authorities in Macedonia will make efforts towards a full and transparent investigation," he said. 
