Gordana Jankuloska

Two Injured in New Macedonia Opposition Protests

A photoreporter and a police officer have been injured in Wednesday's protests in Macedonian capital Skopje as demonstrators gathered for a second night to demand that the government stepped down.

Wednesday's gathering in front of the Macedonian Parliament was more peaceful that the previous one, which on Tuesday evening left dozens wounded.

Macedonian Opposition Hurls New Accusations at Government, Protesters Gather

The political tensions in Macedonia remain heightened as the opposition SDSM leader Zoran Zaev hurled fresh accusations against the government.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Zaev stated that he will expose facts proving that the state leadership and the interior ministry plotted in the cover-up of a 2011 police killing.

Macedonia Officials Attempted Murder Cover-Up, Opposition Claims

Releasing the latest in a series of wiretapped tapes on Tuesday, opposition Social Democrats leader Zoran Zaev said the conversations in the new batch of recordings prove the authorities tried to cover up the killing of 21-year-old Martin Neskovski.

Neskovski was beaten to death the night that the ruling VMRO DPMNE celebrated its election victory on June 6, 2011.

Macedonia Ruling Party 'Distributed State Jobs to Members'

At its 19th press conference in recent weeks on the subject of alleged government wiretapping, the opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, on Tuesday presented covertly-recorded tapes that they say further prove that the ruling VMRO DPMNE party of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has been systematically and massively employing its own people in all state institutions and punishing those who think diff

Photo: Lady Justice Unveiled in Macedonia Amid Judicial Row

The Modernist facade of Macedonia's justice ministry has received a radical new-old look, in the latest phase of the Classically-inspired revamp of the capital, Skopje.

The north front has received a complete makeover while the ground floor has been expanded at the expense of a pedestrian passage beneath the building.
