
Cold snap brings snow to much of the country

Two men and a dog enjoy a day out in a snow-covered forest in the Pindos mountain range in northwestern Greece on Thursday, when a new cold front hit much of the country. Heavy snow fell across much of northern and central Greece, but also on the mountains around Athens. Motorists were advised to display caution and fit their cars with anti-skid chains on icy roads.

City of Athens dishes up New Year's meal for 1,000

Hundreds of the city's poor and homeless attended the New Year's meal offered to around 1,000 persons by the City of Athens, at the indoor sports arena at Rouf, Tuesday. Dozens of municipal employees and volunteers helped serve the food, which was donated this year by the Interamerican insurance firm. [EPA]

125 People Spent the Night in the Centre for Homeless People in Sofia

125 people were accommodated last night in the crisis centre for homeless people in the Zaharna Fabrika neighbourhood, its manager Yordanka Temelkova told Focus News Agency. She said that last night they had an emergency case in the centre, but there was no need to hospitalise the man.

American Promoter was Arrested for Appropriation of $ 750,000 for a Charity Concert in Bulgaria

American promoter was arrested on suspicion of having appropriated $ 750,000 for a charity concert for homeless children in Bulgaria, AP said, referring to the prosecutor's office.

Robin Di Maggio, a drummer and former music director of the United Nations and a music show, may be charged with financial fraud.

Begging on the Streets of Sofia was Banned from December 1

The new municipal order for public order in Sofia has been into force from December 1. In addition to raising noise at night and between 2 am and 4 pm, it also prohibits collecting donations in the streets. This means that people lying on the sidewalks and begging will also be subject to sanctions.

City of Athens offers shelter to homeless

Municipal authorities in Athens have announced measures to protect homeless people and other vulnerable groups in the Greek capital from the cold weather as temperatures drop.

Municipal teams will be active in the city center seeking out homeless people to provide them with blankets, clothing and information about organized shelters.
