Human evolution

Humans walked and hunted on the Arctic 10,000 years earlier than initially believed

Plenty of previous evidence shows that humans hunted mammoths during the late Pleistocene, with some studies arguing that our species hastened the mammoths’ extinction.


However, a Siberian discovery shows a mammoth hunt high in the Arctic around 45,000 years ago, almost ten millennia before humans were thought to have walked that area.


A mesmerizing look at how human faces have changed through time (vid)

If you think your own face has changed through the years, look at this mind-numbing 90-second time lapse video that shows millions of years worth of evolution. Watch paleoartist John Gurche’s vision of his own direct ancestry in under 2 minutes. Learn how he draws on fossil discoveries and forensic techniques to create transfixing reconstructions of long-lost human ancestors.
