Spectacular presentation of Serbian army in Abu Dhabi

13th international exhibition of arms and military equipment IDEX 2017 was held in Abu Dhabi and Serbian companies presented their capacities, Jugoimport SDPD, Sloboda, Prva petroletka, Zastava oruzje, Krusik and Fighting complex systems.

In addition to the companies that are making weapons, our army had the presentation as well.

Serbia showcases new weapons and equipment at UAE arms expo

Serbia's defense industry has presented its brand new and standard military equipment and weapons at the IDEX 2017 international arms expo in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The Serbian Defense Ministry said that the companies taking part include Yugoimport SDPR, Sloboda, Prva Petoletka, Zastava Oruzje, Krusik, and Borbeni Slozeni Sistemi.