Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on politics

Team 'Melodi' woos India as video goes viral

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to Italy for the G7 summit, it was not diplomatic meetings that dominated headlines back in India, but the relationship with his Italian counterpart.

"Hello from the 'Melodi' team," Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in a video posted to social media on June 15, waving next to her fellow right-wing leader Modi, beaming a wide grin.

Clash between the police and protesters in Washington: There are injured and arrested

This happened during a protest calling for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The U.S. police announced that around 150 people "protested illegally and violently" near the headquarters of the Democratic Party in Washington near the Congress building, which is why the congressmen were evacuated, AP reports.

Canadian Police Detain Leaders of the Freedom Convoy

Ottawa police detain two leaders of the so-called Freedom Convoy in an attempt to end weeks of protests against Covid restrictions in the Canadian capital, the BBC reported.

Tamara Lich was detained on Thursday night, before her, Chris Barber was arrested, and both are expected to be charged.

State of Emergency in Ottawa over the Freedom Convoy

Freedom Convoy: Resignation in Ottawa, Canada eases COVID measures

The chief of police in the Canadian capital Ottawa resigned 19 days after the start of the occupation of the center by the Freedom Convoy - the protest of truck drivers against the mandatory vaccination.

The resignation came after serious criticism over a prolonged blockade that halted traffic and hampered trade with the United States.

Justin Trudeau has Threatened to Freeze Protesters' Bank Accounts

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken an unprecedented step with the enactment of the Emergency Law because of the protests against the mandatory Covid vaccines, the BBC reported.

Trudeau said the measures would be "time-limited, reasonable and proportionate" - and ruled out military deployment.
