Information Telegraph Agency of Russia

Russian Energy Minister: Decision to Drop South Stream Is Final

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak has said that the decision to stop the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline is final.

"In my opinion, the decision which has been taken is final. We are now committed to building the pipeline with a different route," he stated, as cited by ITAR-TASS and the BGNES news agency.

Russian State Telecom To Launch Counterpart of Skype

The Russian State Telecom Rostelecom is planning to launch a Russian mobile application, more or less analogous to Skype and Viber, reports ITAR-TASS.

According to the public tender announcement, quoted by the wire service, the company has set aside RUB 72.8 M.

The application, available both for iOS and Android devices, must be ready by beginning of October 2015.

Russia to Ban Import of Animal Fat, Meat Byproducts from EU

Russia will impose a temporary ban on imports of animal fat and meat byproduct from the European Union.

According to a media statement of Russia's veterinary service Rosselkhoznadzor, the ban takes effect on October 21.

The measure is explained with the presence of harmful substances detected in such products, according to ITAR-TASS.

EU, Russia, Ukraine to Discuss Gas Supplies to Europe

Russia and Ukraine are holding EU-brokered gas consultations in Berlin on Friday.

The meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian energy ministers Alexander Novak and Yuri Prodan and EU's outgoing energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger comes more than three months after Moscow cut off gas supplies to Kiev.

EANA conference in Split

SPLIT - A conference of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) started in Split on Thursday and the chief topic is: "Public money for public value."

Close to 70 directors and main editors from 32 European news agencies are at the conference, including those from the German DPA, France Presse, Itar-Tass, Ansa from Italy, Anatolia, Tanjug and others.
