Internet-based activism

Anonymous: ISIS leak that Nov. 22 is Armageddon for Paris and the world, but is it true?

Anonymous, the loose collective of online hacktivists, leaked out information on Saturday regarding the next Islamic State terror attacks in Paris and other locations around the world, including the United States, Indonesia, Italy and Lebanon – not Greece – all at the same time.

Anonymous hackers declare war on ISIL after Paris attacks

The Anonymous hackers collective is preparing to unleash waves of cyberattacks on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) following the attacks in Paris last week that killed 129 people, it said in a video posted online. 

A man wearing a Guy Fawkes mask said ISIL militants who claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks were "vermin" and Anonymous would hunt them down. 

Anonymous vs. ISIS: Paris attacks spearhead a cyber war (vid)

Hacker group Anonymous declared war against ISIS after the Paris attacks on Friday. A YouTube video, in French, said it would use its knowledge to “unite humanity” and warned terorrists to expect them. A spokesperson wearing the Anonymous mask said: “Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down.

You should know that we will find you and we will not let you go.

Crime-Busting App Proves Big Hit in Croatia

A smart phone application enabling members of the public to make anonymous reports to the police has become a huge success after just three weeks.

The "Police - Security and Trust" app is available for free and enables users to snap a photo, accompanied by a written explanation, which is sent in an anonymous report. Police can then react or contact the sender.

Redhack members acquitted in terror case

An Ankara criminal court ruled on March 15 for the acquittal of ten Redhack members charged with supporting left-separatist terror organizations.

Prosecutor ?aban Yavuz demanded an acquittal on the grounds the defendants were not proven guilty as charged in a summary judgment heard on March 15. The Interior Ministry was also a complainant in the case.
