Internet privacy

Over 18pct of Romania's minors say parents only think they know their online activity

Over 18 percent of Romania's preteens and teens say their parents only think what they do on line, but in reality they do not know quite everything, while over 13 percent of them say their parents know nothing almost nothing about it, according to the findings of a survey of the children's use of the Internet conducted by the Institute for Crime Prevention and Research released

The US Federal Communications Commission Repealed the Principle of Net Neutrality

In November 2014, Barack Obama expressed his support for transparency of Internet access and respect for network neutrality. February 2015 this principle was laid down in FCC legislation. It obliges internet providers to treat each Internet traffic equally.

Eva Maydell: Digital Technologies are Moving with the Free Movement of Data in the Union

The Bulgarian MEP from GERB / ​​EPP Eva Maydell met the Polish Minister of Digitization Christoph Schubert on Tuesday, December 5 in Brussels, reports 24chasa. 

They discussed the main legislative acts of the European Commission in the field of the Single Digital Market. This was announced by the press office of GERB.

Google and Apple Report Jump in Requests for User Data

US government requests to Google for individuals' data reached a six-year high in the first half of 2017, the company says.

A report published last week said the country had sought details about 48,902 accounts - 24% more than over the last six months of 2016.

Apple reported a 62% jump in the number of user account requests from the US over the same period - 6,407 in total.

Facebook and Google Demand in Court Limited Access of Authorities to User Data

The big IT companies demand to restrict authorities' access to user data. Reports Kaldata. 

The American Facebook, Google, Apple, and other IT companies have called on the US Supreme Court to seek to restrict law enforcement access to consumer privacy. That's what The Verge reported.
