Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum

Turkey is Closing its Border with Northern Iraq

Turkey will gradually close border crossings with northern Iraq in coordination with the central Iraqi government and Iran in response to the Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Khaln told Reuters.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim is expected to visit Baghdad on Sunday to meet with Iraqi counterpart Hayder al Abadi, informs 24chasa.

Iraqi Kurds have Created a Supreme Political Council to Negotiate with Baghdad

A Supreme Political Council was set up in Iraqi Kurdistan to address issues related to the recent independence referendum that angered the central government in Baghdad and neighboring countries. This was announced by DPA and TASS, referring to Kurdish Rudav Portal and Sky News - Arabia.

Turkey halts flights to northern Iraq, issues travel warning

Turkey has issued a new travel warning to Turkish nationals after Turkey's consulate in Arbil announced that Turkish airline companies will halt flying to northern Iraq after 6:00 p.m. on Friday Sept. 29 until further notice at the request of Baghdad, following a referendum for independence held by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). 
