Iraqi Republic

Turkey offers to help rebuild Mosul

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım congratulated his Iraqi counterpart, Haider al-Abadi, on Iraq's declared victory against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in a phone call on July 19 and offered Turkey's help to rebuild the devastated city, Iraqi Ambassador to Ankara Hisham al-Alawi has said. 

Time for an 'amicable divorce' between Iraqi Kurds, Baghdad: KRG spokesperson

The time has come for the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Baghdad to start discussing an "amicable divorce," according to a spokesperson for the Kurdish autonomous region.

"We should enter a serious dialogue with Baghdad to reach an amicable solution - an amicable solution for divorce," KRG spokesperson Safeen Dizayee recently told daily Hürriyet.

EU official warns of jihadist influx

Europe's Security Commissioner Julian King Tuesday warned that the European Union must brace itself for an influx of radical jihadists if Iraqi forces wrest back Mosul, a stronghold of the so-called Islamic State.

"The retaking of the IS northern Iraq stronghold, Mosul, may lead to the return to Europe of violent IS fighters," King told Die Welt in remarks published Tuesday.

New realities in Iraq and Syria

Architect Daniel Libeskind makes the most famous genocide monuments in the world. On April 11, he invited journalists to his office in New York and told them that it was time to open a "Kurdish national identity museum."  I was curious why the architect would do such a thing out of the blue.

Turkish PM Davutoğlu visits Iraq as ties thaw

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu met his Iraqi counterpart Haidar al-Abadi in Baghdad Nov. 20, as long-strained ties between the two countries improve.

Davutoğlu was given an official welcome at the main palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone, after which he held talks with Abadi, the Iraqi premier's office said, without providing further details.