Islam and women

Famous critic of Islamism cancels tour to Australia for security reasons

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born former Dutch activist, who promotes freedom of speech around the globe canceled her scheduled speech tour in Australia citing security reasons. Hirsi Ali, who lives with round-the-clock security protection due to her criticisms of radical Islamists, was due to speak at events in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland this week.

Women burn nigab celebrating liberation from ISIS (video-photos)

An overjoyed woman was seen celebrating as she removed her face veil, stomped on it and set it alight after her village was reportedly liberated from the Islamic State.
In a video of the moment, the woman, who is not identified, cheered and screamed as she removed her niqab as other women and children – also wearing gleaming smiles – looked on.

Austria Mulls Ban on Burkas

Austria is planning to introduce a ban on burkas. The full covering of the face will now be illegal at public places like state and municipal institutions, reported Nova TV.

The ban will be in force not only for burkas but also for niqabs which leave a slit for the eyes.

Garments which cover the entire body but not the face will not be banned.

Muslim hijab takes centre stage at NYC Fashion Week (photos)

Muslim fashion designer Anniesa Hasibuan made history, as the models presenting her fashion line on the runway at New York Fashion Week wore the traditional Islamic head cover known as hijab. The 28-year-old designer from Indonesia wrote on her instagram page after the show: ‘Muslims from all over the world and all you, beautiful people, thank you for your support’.

Proposal to Ban Face-Covering Veils Also Tabled in Bulgaria's Plovdiv

A ban on the use of veils covering most of the face is also to be considered in Plovdiv, Bulgaria's second largest city.

A proposal has been submitted by municipal councilors from the nationalist Patriotic Front coalition, Darik Radio reports citing Aleksandar Sidi from VMRO, which is one of PF's two main parties.
