Women burn nigab celebrating liberation from ISIS (video-photos)

An overjoyed woman was seen celebrating as she removed her face veil, stomped on it and set it alight after her village was reportedly liberated from the Islamic State.
In a video of the moment, the woman, who is not identified, cheered and screamed as she removed her niqab as other women and children – also wearing gleaming smiles – looked on.
After the woman stomped on the face veil, another woman picks it up and sets it on fire with a lighter.
The video later shows the women smoking cigarettes as men danced nearby.
It is unknown what village the video was filmed in, but it was later Tweeted out by the Kurdish news outlet Rudaw.
The video comes the same week that Iraqi forces backed by jets, drones and gunships attacked Mosul airport Thursday, a key step in a renewed offensive against jihadists defending their stronghold on the city’s west bank.

More at: dailymail.co.uk


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