
Swiss voters narrowly back ’burqa ban’

Swiss voters on March 7 narrowly backed a ban on full face coverings in public places - a decision hailed by supporters as a bulwark against radical Islam but branded as discriminatory by opponents.

Official results showed that 51.2 percent of voters, and a clear majority of federal Switzerland's cantons, supported the proposal.

Denmark bans Islamic face coverings

Denmark will join other European countries banning full-face covering, including Islamic veils such as the niqab or burqa.

Jakob Ellemann-Jensen of Denmark’s liberal party that leads a center-right governing coalition says a law proposal was not aimed at any religions or a ban of scarfs, turbans or kippa, the traditional Jewish skull cap.

Case of Christian girl who was put in foster care of two Muslim families causes furore

A judge has ruled a five-year-old Christian girl housed with Muslim foster carers must go and live with a family member instead. Claims that the girl had been placed with two different Muslim families had led to an outcry and calls for British MPs to hold an inquiry into the case.

Saudi woman in mini skirt causes uproar in Islamic country (video)

A young woman is at the center of a controversy about clothing in Saudi Arabia, after she posted videos of herself in one of the nation’s most conservative provinces wearing a short skirt and a cropped top.
Saudi outlets report that local officials are demanding an investigation, with social media users saying the unidentified women should face arrest.

Top Europe Court Upholds Ban on Full-Face Veil in Belgium

The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday upheld a Belgian ban on wearing the full-face niqab veil in public, AFP reported.

The court ruled that the restriction sought to guarantee social cohesion, the "protection of the rights and freedoms of others" and that it was "necessary in a democratic society", a statement said.

Women burn nigab celebrating liberation from ISIS (video-photos)

An overjoyed woman was seen celebrating as she removed her face veil, stomped on it and set it alight after her village was reportedly liberated from the Islamic State.
In a video of the moment, the woman, who is not identified, cheered and screamed as she removed her niqab as other women and children – also wearing gleaming smiles – looked on.
