Islamic dress in Europe

Denmark bans Islamic face coverings

Denmark will join other European countries banning full-face covering, including Islamic veils such as the niqab or burqa.

Jakob Ellemann-Jensen of Denmark’s liberal party that leads a center-right governing coalition says a law proposal was not aimed at any religions or a ban of scarfs, turbans or kippa, the traditional Jewish skull cap.

Top Europe Court Upholds Ban on Full-Face Veil in Belgium

The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday upheld a Belgian ban on wearing the full-face niqab veil in public, AFP reported.

The court ruled that the restriction sought to guarantee social cohesion, the "protection of the rights and freedoms of others" and that it was "necessary in a democratic society", a statement said.

Ankara to provide legal support to Turkish citizens in France, Belgium after ECJ headscarf decision

Turkey will provide legal support to Turkish citizens living in France and Belgium after the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that European firms can ban employees from wearing religious or political symbols, including the Islamic headscarf. 

EU court rules workplace headscarf ban legal

European companies can ban employees from wearing religious or political symbols including the Islamic headscarf, the EU's top court ruled on March 14 in a landmark case.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) said it does not constitute "direct discrimination" if a firm has an internal rule banning the wearing of "any political, philosophical or religious sign."   

Austria to ban full-face veil in public places

It is also considering a more general ban on state employees wearing the headscarf and other religious symbols.
The measures are seen as an attempt to counter the rise of the far-right Freedom Party, whose candidate narrowly lost last month’s presidential vote.
The centrist coalition nearly collapsed last week amid crisis negotiations over the government’s future direction.
