Ivo Josipović

Grabar Kitarovic Win Draws Contrasting Reactions

Croatia's new president saluted her surprise victory in Sunday's presidential election.

Addressing her "dear Croatian men and women all over Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and around the world", she spoke of this "great night in which we have achieved a victory for our patriotic coalition and beloved homeland".

Croatia Elects Its First Female President in Narrow Runoff

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has won in the second round of elections that were held in Croatia on Sunday, becoming the country's first female president.

Grabar-Kitarovic, who is from the oppositional Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), won against incumbent Ivo Josipovic with the narrowest of margins, the BBC reports.

Croats Cast Ballots in Presidential Election

After a close race in the first round of Croatian presidential elections, voters today will decide whether their head of state for the next five years will be the centre-left incumbent, Ivo Josipovic, or the candidate of the centre-right Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic. First results are expected some time this evening.

Croatia Presidential Candidates Talk Tough on Serbia

Incumbent president Ivo Josipovic, who is supported by centre-left government parties, and his challenger Kolida Grabar Kitarovic, the candidate of the centre-right opposition Croatian Democratic Union, both had words of warning for EU hopeful Serbia during the debate on Nova TV on Thursday evening.
