
Sarajevo Siege: The Long, Desperate Wait for News of the Missing

"He was a nice and gentle soul. I think he was the best father ever," Djulepa recalled. "He fulfilled all the wishes that he could fulfil for me and my sister."

According to Djulepa, two drunken men came and seized her father on August 2, 1992, saying that they were taking him for questioning.

Princess Maria-Olympia throws caution to wind and gallivants around London, despite rumors (pics)

Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece ignored rumors concerning her secret love affair with Prince Harry and went out and about in London. The young princess, aged 20, was rumored to be dating her cousin, aged 31, though sources close to Harry deny the truth to the rumors.

The real reason why Y. Varoufakis strolled in a bouncer's jacket down Downing St.

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis style as he rolled up in a padded leather jacket to meet British Chancellor George Osborne drew a great deal of commotion. The shaved head and casual look earned him the name of the rock' n' roll finance minister. People wondered what message he was trying to get across with this dress code. His wife, however, has a simple answer: