Janez Janša

Centre-left opposition to table motion to impeach Janša

Ljubljana – Four centre-left opposition parties have tabled a motion asking the National Assembly to impeach Prime Minister Janez Janša before the Constitutional Court, accusing him of violating several articles of the constitution and laws, pertaining to healthcare, media, prosecution and human and constitutional rights. Janša called the move pathetic.

Janša calls on MEP in ‘t Veld to resign as chair of EP group

Brussels – Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša has called on Dutch MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld (Renew/D66) to resign as chair of the European Parliament’s democracy monitoring group. The move comes after Friday’s incident during the group’s public debate and censorship allegations.

EU Parliament not adversary of Slovenia, says MEP in ‘t Veld

Brussels – MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld (Renew/D66), chair of the European Parliament’s democracy monitoring group, has rejected allegations of censorship by Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša. An impression that the Parliament is an opponent of Slovenia’s is regrettable and far from the truth, she told the STA on Monday.

Circuit breaker lockdown to be imposed from 1 April

Brdo pri Kranju – The government has endorsed the proposal of the Covid-19 advisory team to impose an 11-day circuit breaker lockdown from 1 April in a bid to help hospitals cope with an expected influx in Covid-19 patients following an increase in Slovenia’s coronavirus transmission rates driven by the UK variant.

Janša’s appearance at EU Parliament subcommittee overshadowed by row

Brussels – Prime Minister Janez Janša’s appearance in front of the European Parliament’s democracy monitoring group was overshadowed by a row with chair Sophie in ‘t Veld over a video alleging journalists are biased. After In ‘t Veld refused to play the video during the time allotted for his statement, Janša disconnected from the videoconference.

Slovenian media debate: EP group chair interested in criteria for labelling journalists “left”

Brussels – Slovenian representatives presented differing views on the media situation as they attended Friday’s public debate at the European Parliament in Brussels. The head of the Parliament’s democracy monitoring group, Sophie in ‘t Veld, wanted to know what criteria are used as basis for journalist in Slovenia to be classified as “left”.

Former Health Minister Gantar leaves DeSUS

Ljubljana – Former Health Minister Tomaž Gantar has left the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS). Gantar, who also served as a party vice-president, announced the decision at a session of the DeSUS executive committee on Thursday. He told the STA he had been waiting for a proposal to consolidate the party, but given the developments he realised he had enough.

Janša proposes meeting over third wave measures ASAP

Ljubljana – Prime Minister Janez Janša has proposed that President Borut Pahor call a meeting of the heads of parliamentary parties and deputy groups with the Health Ministry and its Covid-19 advisory group as soon as possible. Pahor meanwhile said that he had sent out invitations for Sunday morning.
