Janez Janša

MEPs voice concerns in debate on media freedom in Slovenia

Ljubljana – The European Parliament’s Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group held a virtual public discussion on media freedom in Slovenia on Friday featuring representatives from Slovenia and the European Commission. Group members expressed concern about the situation and their expectations for the Commission to take action.

Janša suggests meeting MEP ‘t Veld on 26 March

Ljubljana – Prime Minister Janez Janša is suggesting the European Parliament’s Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group have discussion with him and Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti on 26 March, after the EU summit as they would not be able to attend the discussion in Brussels in person this Friday, the PM’s office has announced.

Janša, Simoniti accept invitation to EP media hearing, insist on in-person format

Ljubljana – PM Janez Janša and Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti gladly accept an invitation to an exchange of views on Slovenian media with the European Parliament’s Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, however the discussion should be held in face-to-face format in the European Parliament, the government said on Tuesday.

Govt in dilemma about new coronavirus variants and new lockdown

Ljubljana – New variants of coronavirus pose a dilemma whether to proceed with the planned colour-coded exit strategy or impose stricter lockdown for a short period of time, PM Janez Janša said in parliament on Monday, as he answered a coalition MP question whether the government was planning any new measures in connection with Covid-19.

Left opposition critical of Janša’s fact-finding letter to EU

Ljubljana – The left-leaning opposition responded with criticism to Prime Minister Janez Janša’s letter to the European Commission that invites a fact-finding mission to Slovenia. The responses range from assessments that he is diverting attention and calls that the situation should be calmed down, to such that he is not fit for the post.

Janša urges Von der Leyen to send fact-finding mission to Slovenia

Ljubljana – Prime Minister Janez Janša has written to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen with an invitation for the Commission to appoint a fact-finding mission that would visit Slovenia to get acquainted with the state of democracy, rule of law, independence of the judiciary and media plurality.
