Kenan İpek

'Gov't, Gülenists bargained over top judiciary posts,' former justice says

A former Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) deputy head who was recently released from custody has accused the Gülenists and the government of bargaining over the division of the Turkish judiciary bodies and that they agreed on the number of Gülenist personnel to be appointed to the two institutions. 

Turkey's justice minister to go to US for Gülen's extradition

Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ, accompanied by lawmakers from opposition parties, will depart to the United States on Oct. 25 to hold talks with his counterpart over Turkey's demand for the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, a self-exiled Islamic preacher accused of orchestrating the failed July 15 coup.

Turkish judges who ruled release of 'Gülen-linked' police officers arrested

An Istanbul court on April 30 arrested two judges who ordered the release of 76 suspects charged with alleged links to the ?parallel state? of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

The 29th Criminal Court of First Instance judge, Metin Özçelik, and the 32nd Criminal Court of First Instance judge, Mustafa Ba?er, were accused of being a member of a terrorist organization.

My judge, your judge, my prosecutor, your prosecutor

The files of active and formerly active judges and prosecutors in several provinces have been examined for some time, their relationships being scrutinized. This research is to determine, ?Is that judge from us? Is this prosecutor a parallel?? This research somehow blows up in Istanbul, exploding the rule of law with it.

Turkish Deputy PM accuses opposition of not supporting fight against Gülenists

Deputy Prime Minister Yalç?n Akdo?an slammed the main opposition parties on April 28 over their ?lack of support for the government in the struggle against the parallel state,? the same day as Turkey?s high judiciary board allowed the prosecution against two judges who demanded the release of 76 suspects allegedly working for U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Release of 76 suspects blocked amid gov't-Gülenist tension

A Turkish court has ordered the release of 75 policemen and a media manager who were accused of belonging to ?the parallel state? of the government?s ally-turned-foe Fethullah Gülen, a U.S. based cleric, but a judge reversed the decision late April 25 as a chief prosecutor also intervened.
