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At least 7 killed in China kindergarten explosion (unsettling photos-videos)

At least seven people were killed and 59 injured in an explosion at a kindergarten in eastern China, the state media reported on Thursday.
A photo posted by Chinese media online shows several women and children sitting or lying on the ground, some bleeding. One woman is clutching her child, who is in tears.

Muslim parents protest against gay teacher at Berlin preschool

Muslim parents have threatened to gather signatures for a petition against a Berlin preschool, after discovering that one of its male teachers is gay. Many of the parents have removed their children from the nursery.

The protest by parents at the kindergarten in the northern district of Reinickendorf was reported by German media earlier this week.

Do not mess with this teacher! (video)

Keeping students in line in the classroom can sometimes be a nightmare for teachers. But the teacher in the following video seems to have found a very “persuasive” way to make his students listen to him. The incident took place in France. The beat down of the student can be found in no acceptable contemporary paedagogic style guide…


Education Ministry set to scrap extended schools program

The Education Ministry plans to scrap its extended schools program as of the new academic year starting in September, Kathimerini understands.

Under the existing program, school day is extended to 4 p.m. The two extra hours, which help working parents, are used for extra-curriculum activities.
