Konstantinos Karamanlis

Name dispute tests Greek gov't cohesion

As efforts intensify to resolve the decades-long name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Panos Kammenos, the leader of Independent Greeks, the right-wing populist junior partner in the leftist-led coalition, dampened expectations and revealed cracks in the government after reiterating that he would never back a solution including the word "Macedonia."<

Credibility or opportunism?

Cooperation between Greece and the United States has gradually strengthened over the last two centuries, starting with US President James Monroe, who in 1822 stated "a strong hope is entertained that the Greeks will recover their independence," through Barack Obama's "Zito i Ellas" (Long live Greece), to Donald Trump, who said that the Greeks "have been loyal friends and allies."

The Greece-US-EU triangle

Alexis Tsipras's visit to Donald Trump's White House, which was marked by the Greek prime minister's effusive praise for his host and the US, marks a new chapter in the traditional game between Greece and its allies - the United States and the European Union.

What kind of leaders do we want?

The greatness of a political leader is not determined by whether he tells the truth or not.

A true leader is one who is willing to go against the tide of public sentiment because he believes he is doing the right thing for the country. This is the kind of individual that goes down in history as a great political man.

Major political interventions for a significant change in the national political agenda

By putting forward his own editorial, just a few days before the major crash test at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis is attempting to bring closure to the entire debate, both within his party and outside of it, after the much heated debate that erupted regarding the conference held in Estonia on Nazism and Communism.
