Leader of the Opposition

The PM, the Admiral, and the cabinet reshuffle fiasco

The government reshuffle that was announced yesterday was designed to give the government a fresh start after the disastrous August wildfires, yet it was overshadowed by former admiral and former defence minister Evangelos Apostolakis' last-minute decision to reject his appointment as minister in the newly-created Civil Protection Ministry.

The shipwreck of Admiral Apostolakis’ abortive appointment as civil protection minister

The government reshuffle that was announced yesterday was designed to give the government a fresh start after the disastrous August wildfires, yet it was overshadowed by former admiral and former defence minister Evangelos Apostolakis' last-minute decision to reject his appointment as minister in the newly-created Civil Protection Ministry.

The opposition agreed; Netanyahu without a new mandate due to a man from the Balkans

Leaders of the far-right Yamina and centrist Yesh Atid, Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, and Ra''am (United Arab List) chairman Mansour Abbas have reached an agreement on a unity government whose deadline was midnight local time.
In a statement on Twitter, Lapid said that he informed the president of the country about the agreement.

Mitsotakis dared to face down the Church

What no other prime minister dared to do, from the late Andreas Papandreou and his minister of education Antonis Tritsis in the 1980s, to Alexis Tsipras in the previous four and a half years - despite their stated intentions - was done by Kyriakos Mitsotakis. He clashed with the Church of Greece over the new coronavirus, and did not back down.
