
Christians in Slovenia starting Easter celebrations

The preparations throughout Lent, which started on Ash Wednesday, will culminate in the Easter Triduum, starting with liturgical celebrations of Maundy Thursday.

While Easter, the celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection, is the centrepiece of Christianity, the practices surrounding it in different denominations as well as countries around the world differ.

An overview of Greek Orthodox Holy Week

In the Orthodox Christian Church, Great Lent and Holy Week are two separate things. Officially, Great Lent ends on the Friday before Palm Sunday, and Holy Week begins the day after that. Each day during Holy Week has a special meaning, and understanding what each day represents can help making attending all those church services a lot more meaningful!

Flour power

Revelers celebrate 'Ash Monday' by participating in a colorful 'flour war,' a traditional festivity marking the end of the carnival season and the start of the 40-day Lent period until the Orthodox Easter, in the port town of Galaxidi, on Monday. [Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters]

Better sober?

Dry January seems to be the buzzing trend nowadays. Abstaining from alcohol for the whole month of January appeals to many, especially to those who overdid the feasting and boozing during the festive season before New Year's. Dry January, as a term, was registered in 2014 in the United Kingdom by Alcohol Concern, an advocacy group that initiated the first campaign in January 2013.
