Los Padres National Forest

Fire in Rethymno still raging

Efforts continued late Thursday to combat a large wildfire that has been raging in southern Rethymno, Crete, since Wednesday.

The fire has prompted a series of 112 emergency alerts, leading to the evacuation of at least seven settlements.

A total of 290 firefighters, supported by 20 foot patrol teams and 54 vehicles, were deployed to the scene.

Fire in East Attica under partial control

A wildfire near the seaside town of Nea Makri, east of the Greek capital, has been brought under partial control, the Fire Service said on Thursday evening. 

Thirty firefighters, four aircraft and three helicopters were mobilized to battle the blaze, which started earlier in the afternoon in a house and spread to dry brush. 

Fire service says blaze in Vari largely contained

Scores of firefighters and water-bombing aircraft succeeded late Wednesday in taming a large wildfire on the fringes of Athens that forced authorities to evacuate two nearby settlements.

The fire service said the blaze near Athens - one of dozens all over the country Wednesday - had been largely contained but firefighters would remain on alert all evening to stop it reviving.