Macedonian nationalists

Macedonian Court Dismisses Gruevski's Jail Sentence Appeal

Macedonia's Criminal Court in Skopje on Friday rejected appeals filed by former prime minister Nikola Gruevski to postpone his two-year jail sentence for the illicit purchase of a luxury Mercedes.

"The decision has been sent to the parties in the case and will become executive right after the parties receive it," the ruling said.

Gruevski Races Against Time to Avoid Macedonian Jail

Macedonia's ex-Prime Minister and former ruling VMRO DPMNE party leader Nikola Gruevski is involved in a legal race against time that will determine whether he will serve his two-year jail sentence which was handed down in a first-instance verdict in May, or not have to serve any jail time because the statute of limitations has passed.

Macedonia Leaders to Hold Showdown Meeting on Referendum

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has set up a meeting with leaders of the opposition and other parliamentary parties for Wednesday afternoon, aimed at ending the opposition's informal blockade of the planned referendum on the name deal with Greece which is aimed at clearing the country's way towards NATO and EU membership.

Macedonia's Ousted PM Awaits Four Trial Verdicts

The recent two-year sentence handed down to Nikola Gruevski Macedonia's former conservative Prime Minister and ex-leader of the right-wing VMRO DPMNE party - for involvement in the illicit secret purchase of a luxury Mercedes - is not the end of his judicial troubles.

Gruevski currently faces criminal charges in four more cases, three of which have already gone to trial.
