
Battle for Balkan Cybersecurity: Threats and Implications of Biometrics and Digital Identity

The research shows a prevalence of cyberattacks targeting critical online infrastructure, services and computers. Inadequate public awareness and cybersecurity policies, and limited regional collaboration, have exacerbated the challenges the Balkan countries face in combating cybercrime.

Police and Defence Ministry targeted in hacking attack

Ljubljana – The Slovenian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the police were targeted in a hacking attack on Thursday, media have reported, with one outlet obtaining official confirmation from the police. While the MoD managed to block the attack, only a few police computers are reported to have been infected.

Greek Post Restarts Services After Cyber-Attack Downs System

Hellenic Post, ELTA, announced on Wednesday that it had restarted the system that enables objects and items to be sent abroad after a cyber-attack brought the computers down.

Days before, financial services and the sending of simple correspondence were also re-activated. The suspension of these operations, among other things, has caused delays in the payment of pensions.
