Medical certificate

Access to school of children with COVID-19 symptoms to be restricted for 14 days unless tested

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said on Tuesday that if parents refuse to give their consent on their school children who show symptoms of COVID-19 being tested, in-person access of such children will be restricted for 14 days. "From my point of view, the information has been the same from the beginning. The form is not mandatory.

Moria police to take blood tests over tuberculosis fears

Police officers stationed at the notorious Moria refugee camp on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos have been asked to take blood tests after one their colleagues contracted an infectious disease.

Sources told Kathimerini that the victim, who has been hospitalized at a local clinic with high fever for about five days, tested positive for tuberculosis.

Police in Varna Disrupted a Scheme for False Medical Documents

The police in Varna has identified a scheme for production and trade with false medical documents. Two men and two women were detained. They were involved in preparing and selling fake medical record documents and medical certificates on the territory of the whole Black Sea coast for a long time.

Germanwings Co-Pilot was on "sick leave" the day of the crash but had tore apart doctors signing off note

German General Attorney's disclosure that Andreas Lubitz was monitored by a doctor, who had signed him off for the day of the crash, "sick leave" shocks.

According what German prosecutors reveal, Germanwings Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz was was sick, receiving medication and monitored by a doctor, who also wrote all his "sick leave" notes, which Lubitz would later tore apart or ignore.