
Janša says CoE Commissioner part of “fake news network”

Ljubljana – Prime Minister Janez Janša has reproached Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović for what he sees as her being part of a fake news network. This comes after Mijatović recently warned about the deterioration of media freedom and freedom of expression in Slovenia.

Pahor talks media freedom, hate speech with CoE commissioner

Ljubljana – President Borut Pahor talked on Monday with Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović about freedom of the press and hate speech in Slovenia. Pahor stressed the importance of supervisory mechanisms of international institutions, including the CoE, and the need of regular and open dialogue with them.

Mijatovic calls on all sides in BiH and Serbia to refrain from inflammatory language

BELGRADE - OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović called today on all responsible stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia, in particular the media, to refrain from inflammatory language that could incite hatred.

OSCE countries urged to break cycle of impunity

OSCE countries urged to break cycle of impunity

VIENNA -- OSCE's Dunja Mijatović has called on countries to take real steps to track down and prosecute those who commit crimes against journalists.

The appeal of the media freedom representative to OSCE participating states came ahead of International Day to End Impunity (IDEI).