Mikoyan MiG-29

Poland Delivers First Two Engines for Repair of Bulgaria's MiG-29 Jets

The first two engines which will be used for repair of six Bulgarian MiG-29 fighter jets were delivered at the Graf Ignatievo air base on Tuesday.

This is in line with the implementation of the intergovernmental agreement signed between Bulgaria and Poland in October.

According to the agreement, six Bulgarian engines will be repaired in Poland until the middle of next year.

First Two Engines for Repair of Bulgaria's MiG-29 Jets Expected to Arrive on Tuesday

The first two engines to be used in the repair of the Bulgarian MiG-29 fighter jets are expected to arrive from Poland on Tuesday.

Bulgaria and Poland signed an intergovernmental agreement on the repair of six of the country's fighter jets in October.

Poland will loan out two engines for temporary use until two of the Bulgarian engines are being repaired.

Bulgarian Parliament Ratifies Agreement on Repair of MiG-29 Fighter Jets

The Bulgarian parliament ratified on Friday the intergovernmental agreement with Poland on the repair of six of the country's MiG-29 fighter jets.

At first reading, the agreement was approved by 133 MPs out of the 177 lawmakers present in the plenary chamber, with 42 being against.

Bulgarian MPs to Discuss Ratification of MiG-29 Jets Repair Agreement

The Bulgarian parliament will finally discuss the ratification of the intergovernmental agreement with Poland on the repair of six of the country's MiG-29 fighter jets.

This is the first point on the agenda of the parliamentary sitting on Friday, with the discussion having already been postponed twice.

Bulgaria's Parliament to Vote on MiG Repair Deal with Poland

Lawmakers in Bulgaria are to put to a final vote a deal signed with Poland on the repair of the country's MiG-29 fighter jets.

MPs are widely expected to ratify the deal which will send six MiG-29 engines to be overhauled in Polish facilities.

The document was signed in October during a visit by Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev to Poland.

Bulgarian MPs to Decide on Repair of MiG-29 Fighter Jets on Tuesday

Bulgarian MPs will decide on the repair of the country's MiG-29 fighter jets at an extraordinary plenary sitting on November 24.

At their sitting on Tuesday, the MPs are expected to vote on the ratification of the intergovernmental agreement between Bulgaria and Poland on the repair of six Bulgarian engines.
