Ministry of Development

Measures to support businesses in the primary sector, manufacturing and tourism – See live

A Ministerial Press Conference on the specification of measures to support businesses in the primary sector, manufacturing, and tourism announced by the Prime Minister at the 88th TIF is being held at this hour with the participation of five ministers.

See live

The support measures show:

Ministry of Development: Anna Stratinakis is the new Consumer Ombudsman

Minister of Development Takis Theodorikakos proposed the appointment of Anna Stratinakis as the new Consumer Ombudsman, a decision that was approved by the majority of the Special Standing Committee on Institutions and Transparency of Parliament. Her nomination will be formally presented by the Minister at the next Cabinet meeting, where she is expected to assume her duties immediately.

Municipalities Should Provide Tighter Control on the Rehabilitation of Apartment Buildings

The Ministry of Regional Development requires municipalities to tighten up rehabilitation of apartment buildings control.

Minister Nikolay Nankov insists that on-site inspections be carried out by representatives of the municipality and the construction supervision at least once a month during the implementation of the renovation works of the building.

High-level socialists testify at Tsohatzopoulos’ trial (photos)

Former socialist minister Akis Tsohatzopoulos’ trial for defense procurements and money-laundering began again on Wednesday following an adjournment last month. Former socialist PASOK prime minister Costas Simitis and the current socialist PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos to the stand to testify ahead of the five-membered Felony Appeal Court.

Ex PM, socialist heavyweights to testify in Tsochatzopoulos trial Apr 29

An Athens court hearing the appeal of ex-Defense Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos against his prison term for money laundering has accepted the former PASOK veteran?s request for the members of the Government Council for Foreign Affairs and Defense (KYSEA) from 1998 to 1999 to be called as witnesses.